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Eagle Valley Behavioral Health

Department: Eagle Valley Behavioral Health

Dan Godec: Leading the Way

Dan Godec and his wife, Sue, have lived in Eagle County for more than 30 years. The valley’s beauty, strength, and generosity continue to inspire them. Over the years, the couple has given back to their community in many ways.

The Hauters: Turning Tragedy into Hope for Others

After years of watching doctors try numerous medications to treat the symptoms of his brother’s mental illness, along with a severe lack of education regarding behavioral health, Wayne Hauter knew he wanted to give back and make a difference. “The psychiatrists we worked with didn’t have a strong background in behavioral health. I don’t think there was enough research,” he says. “I watched my brother deteriorate. It wasn’t until my mom took full control of his illness, becoming a psychiatric nurse herself, that he got the treatment he needed.”