Rob Shearon: Finding Recovery Through Connection
Eagle Valley Behavioral Health
It Takes A Valley: Transforming Behavioral Health
Vail Health’s Eagle Valley Behavioral Health (EVBH) and Vail Health Foundation have launched a $100 million campaign to transform the Eagle Valley’s behavioral health system and landscape.
The It Takes A Valley campaign will include the efforts of multiple organizations across the valley to raise much-needed funds for provider access and capacity, prevention and education, crisis response and transition services, and school-based services.
When adolescents and adults experience a behavioral health crisis in Eagle County, they currently must be transported two-or-more hours away to receive care. Vail Health’s Eagle Valley Behavioral Health is taking steps to address this need by building the Precourt Healing Center, a centrally-located, in-patient behavioral health facility in Edwards, Colorado.
Olivia’s Fund offers financial assistance for behavioral health services. It will fund up to six sessions per year for youth and uninsured adults who live or work in Eagle County and cannot afford treatment. Learn more
By allocating your giving to Eagle Valley Behavioral Health’s area of greatest need, you will provide much needed, flexible funds that can be used to address our most urgent needs and priorities that might otherwise go unmet.
The Your Hope Center-led mobile crisis response system ensures all 911 behavioral health calls are met with a clinician at the point of need. Other initiatives like this will provide community members with the appropriate care when experiencing an emotional crisis. Learn More
Our peer support program offers ongoing group-oriented care with a qualified leader. A peer group is a gathering of 2-10 people with shared experiences. Members use storytelling to move past their difficulties, offer hope and support, and create the lives they’d like to lead.
EVBH is investing in prevention and education efforts by supporting the existing programs of community partners, filling gaps through the creation of new initiatives, and working to break the stigma of behavioral health issues. Learn More
Schools offer a unique opportunity to reach our community’s youth and provide behavioral support that enables them to thrive. Our goal is to ensure that we continue to have clinicians in every school in the Eagle County School District.Learn More
Making Futures Bright: changing lives affected by domestic violence and sexual abuse.
Connect family caregivers of older adults to resources and respite that will empower them to be the best caregivers they can be.
Supporting families and early learning environments in our community so that every child can thrive.
Offers free services and resources to people in Eagle County. We drive where people live.
Improve the health of our community by providing equitable and affordable medical, behavioral, and dental healthcare for all.
Embraces, strengthens, and celebrates the diversity of our LGBTQIA+ communities across the mountains of Colorado through education, connection, advocacy and access to resources.
Continuously and collaboratively improving the lives of youth in the most powerful ways possible.
My Future Pathways provides a Helping Hand to enhance and enrich the lives of first-generation Eagle County Youth, leading to Positive Pathways.
Empowers individuals in recovery by fostering a sense of community and connection, promoting education and awareness, and advocating for change.
Helps to prevent suicide in Eagle County by providing education, training, and hope!
Maintains, educates, advocates for, and builds sustainable non-motorized soft surface trails while conserving the natural environment of Eagle County and our public lands.
Extends the beacon of hope to those in emotional crisis and offers a continuum of comprehensive care.