RECONNECTED: Recovery Peer Support & Advocacy
Addiction and addiction recovery are serious challenges for many Eagle County residents. For those seeking help, the road to recovery can sometimes feel overwhelming and isolating.
Addiction and addiction recovery are serious challenges for many Eagle County residents. For those seeking help, the road to recovery can sometimes feel overwhelming and isolating.
(Summit Daily) While officials have vastly improved behavioral health services in Summit County, a lack of sober living facilities and medical detox centers leaves residents without acute care options.
(Vail Daily) Charismatic, compassionate, giving, selfless, adventurous and funny were just some of the adjectives used to describe Todd Johnson at his recent celebration of life.
(Vail Daily) The community forum at Beaver Creek chapel talks about solutions to address the rise in opioid deaths.
(Vail Daily) Each year, data from the Healthy Kids Colorado Survey gives local schools and youth organizations a peek into how middle and high schoolers are feeling, acting and viewing the world around them. The biennial survey was most recently administered to Eagle County students in the fall of 2021.