Where Is Your Will?

Do you know where your will is? More importantly, do your loved ones know?
Having a will or trust in place is the most loving gift you can give to your heirs.
They will seek out your official instructions at a time of great sadness and stress. Here’s how you can make a difficult time easier for them:
- Make sure you have an up-to-date will or trust that reflects your values and your relationships with family, friends, and causes close to your heart.
- Keep the original signed document, along with a copy, in a secure and easily accessible location like a fireproof safe (not a safe-deposit box—banks have strict rules on who gets access). Your estate planning attorney may also offer to store it at their office as they have the means to safeguard your confidential information.
- Tell your executor or personal representative the location of your will or trust. Share the location of your safe and its combination or key, or give them the contact information for your attorney.
If you have been asked to be someone’s executor or personal representative, show the above list to the will writer (known as a testator). The list will help ensure their wishes will be followed and their loved ones’ minds will be at ease.
About two-thirds of Americans don’t leave a will or trust. That means frustrating legal hurdles, unanswered questions, and hurt feelings for millions who are also mourning a profound loss. Don’t be one of them.
We’re Happy to Help
If you have questions about the best ways to ensure your loved ones know your plans, and if those plans include leaving a legacy gift with Vail Health Foundation, please contact Aaron Ciszek at 970.569.7574 or aaronc@vailhealth.org and Anne Walters at 970.569.7648 or anne.walters@vailhealth.org.
Tip: Blue, Not Black
When you sign your estate planning documents, use blue ink. Then make copies in black-and-white only. That way, it is easy for you and your loved ones to tell the original from a copy.
Information contained herein was accurate at the time of printing. The information in this publication is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney or tax advisor. Figures cited in any examples are for illustrative purposes only. References to tax rates include federal taxes only and are subject to change. State law may further impact your individual results.