COVID-19 Updates with Chris Lindley: March 23, 2020
The teams at Vail Health’s Patient Care Unit and Intensive Care Unit have worked diligently over the past month to prepare for COVID-19. Chris Lindley, Epidemiologist at Vail Health, met with two leaders from the PCU and ICU unit to discuss what measures have been taken to ensure that any incoming patients who have been infected will receive the best care available.
Cassie, Director for the PCU, ICU and Precourt Family Cardiac Catheterization & Electrophysiology Lab, and Molly, Clinical Coordinator for the PCU and ICU, explain their preparatory efforts including providing thorough education of their staff, conserving PPE reserves and converting rooms into negative airflow to enhance capacity for infected patients.
Click here to stay updated on Vail Health’s plans for COVID-19.