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Pink Vail 2019 raises more than $850,000 for patients at Shaw Cancer Center

Pink Vail has raised over $880,000 for patient care and survivorship programs at Shaw Cancer Center.

This year’s theme, “Every Cancer Every Color,” was a reminder that all Shaw Cancer Center patients—whether male or female, no matter their cancer diagnosis—have the opportunity to benefit from Pink Vail funds throughout their cancer treatment and into survivorship.

Shaw treats a wide variety of cancers, and as you can see from the photos, participants embraced the theme as a way to commemorate those loved ones who have fought a battle with the disease.

2019 Statistics

Total number of participants: 2,485

Total number of volunteers: 325

Number of donations: 4,695

Total number of teams: 208

Age range of participants: 0-93

Number of cancer survivors: 207

Number of states participating: 50

Total dollars raised: please check website at for most recent tally

8-year total dollars raised: over $4 million


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