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Vail Valley Partnership to Host ‘Resiliency Bootcamp’

This article first appeared in the Vail Daily on June 27, 2020.

The Vail Valley Partnership has made a commitment to the quality of Eagle County’s future. As we rise from the unprecedented disruption in the wake of COVID-19, we are again reminded that we are stronger together.

In that spirit the partnership is offering Community Resiliency Bootcamp, a five-session, group learning opportunity led by experts in the field in which business leaders can walk through the steps of recovery together, with a focus on major community issues.

“This community has a long history of coming together and supporting each other when times get rough. We wanted to give business owners a chance to work through the processes of reopening, changes in procedure, etc side-by-side with others experiencing the same challenges.” Vail Valley Partnership Community Development Director Erik Williams said. “In the same way we needed to be separate to be safe, we absolutely need to be together to be successful; it’s what this community is built on.”

The Vail Valley Partnership strongly believes that if a community is seriously interested in creating change and supporting innovation, it will begin with a firm commitment to analyze its challenges and to identify, educate, train, and support a team of public and private sector community leaders to attack those issues. It is only by coming together that a community can develop the intelligent, creative and energetic local leadership network that is essential for the community to achieve its full potential.

Partnership members receive special savings on these programs, including nonprofit rates. The partnership is also partnering with the Westin Riverfront Resort and Spa to offer these sessions in person, while practicing proper social distancing guidelines.

All events will be held at the Westin Riverfront Resort and Spa in Avon from 4 to 6 p.m. in a safe outdoor setting, using appropriate social distancing. A backup conference room is available in case of inclement weather.

Sessions include:

July 29: Caring for Employees (Behavioral Health). Eagle Valley Behavioral Health will guide participants through the behavioral health repercussions of the pandemic, what to look for in our employees and ourselves as warning signs and what types of help are available. Takeaway: Behavioral health resources and guidance. Speaker: Chris Lindley, Eagle Valley Behavioral Health

Aug. 26: Child care and Health care. This session will discuss current Eagle County practices, and what to look for in the future. Takeaway: Healthcare and childcare policies that have been proven as examples. Speakers: Early Childhood Partners; Eagle County Commissioner Jeannie McQueeny and Vail Health CEO Will Cook.

Sept. 23: Environmental Sustainability — Love your Mother (Earth). There is no better time as we’re examining our systems to become more sustainable businesses. Discussion will also include transit options. Takeaway: Easily adoptable/affordable/ROI procedures for going green. Speaker: Walking Mountains Science Center, ECO Transit.

Oct. 28: Housing and Community Resiliency. The final session will include a discussion on housing and looking to the future here in Eagle County and what effect that will have on our business community. Discussion will also include questions from previous sessions and a look forward. Takeaway: Formation of a group that will continue to share resources and network. Speakers: Chris Romer, Vail Valley Partnership; Kim Williams, Eagle County Housing & Vail Valley Home Store; Eagle County Government.

About Vail Valley Works

Vail Valley Works is a local program for developing, training, and supporting a network of aware and knowledgeable business leaders ready to take on the challenges of an ever-changing community.

Vail Valley Works includes three Signature Courses: Community Leadership Academy; Community Resiliency Bootcamp; and NEXT Emerging Leaders — with the goal of deeper community engagement, a better understanding of the issues facing Eagle County and personal leadership development.

For more information, go to, or email Williams,

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