Vail Health Is Seeking Input on Behavioral Health Needs

Third Biennial Behavioral Health Survey is Open to the Public Through Feb. 16
To better understand the accessibility, usage, perception and gaps in its behavioral health services, Vail Health Behavioral Health has partnered with Building Hope Summit County to survey Eagle and Summit counties.
“We want to make sure that we’ve got the ability to get access quickly and efficiently to anyone who’s looking for it,” said Dana Erpelding, senior operations director at Vail Health. “We can’t do that unless we get community feedback and community input … and we want to make sure that everybody’s voice is heard.”
Vail Health Behavioral Health has been working with local nonprofits to increase peer support and Spanish-language marketing efforts around resource availability. This has included the allocation of funding and support.
Erpelding added that the data from the 2020 and 2022 surveys were shared with Vail Health’s nonprofit and community partners that work in the behavioral health field. This includes the school district, law enforcement as well as Your Hope Center, Bright Future Foundation, My Future Pathways and more.
The Eagle County survey is available at The Summit County survey is available at