School Views: Weathering Springtime in the Mountains

Philip Qualman, Superintendent of Eagle County School District, shares:
I want to remind you that you are not alone. As much as I love skiing fresh powder, I also love rafting a river at peak runoff. I find myself longing for those long, sunny days paired with star-filled nights, and I know they’re getting closer. However, having lived here as long as I have, I know the reality of the situation is that I’ll most likely be shoveling snow a few more times before rigging the boat for its next voyage. I can find myself a bit down just as much as the next person as the seasons change.
One thing that continually reassures me, though, is all the amazing mental health resources available throughout our community. Organizations that specialize in dealing with depression, anxiety and mental wellness. Organizations like Your Hope Center, Vail Health, Eagle Valley Behavioral Health, Colorado Mountain Medical, and SpeakUp ReachOut are just a handful of groups in our community that have trained professionals who understand what it’s like living in a place like Eagle County.