National Suicide Prevention Month: SpeakUp ReachOut Helps Increase Awareness & Hope
In 2018, the Eagle River Valley averaged one suicide attempt per day. SpeakUp ReachOut, a community fundraising partner of Eagle Valley Behavioral Health (EVBH), works to reduce that number by implementing suicide outreach and prevention training in schools, workplaces, and community centers throughout Eagle County.
September is National Suicide Prevention Month. Learn more about the different ways you can help make a difference in someone’s life through training and education. Research shows that for every person trained in suicide prevention, six lives are touched. SpeakUp ReachOut’s goal to train 40,000 people – about 75% of the community – would dramatically transform suicide prevention in the valley.
A variety of free training and events for suicide prevention can be accessed through SpeakUp ReachOut’s website. Resources designed to help cope with the challenges of COVID have also been made available. Together, we can each play a role in preventing suicide by raising awareness and providing hope to those in need.
If you or someone you know is in crisis, call The Hope Center of the Eagle Valley at 970.306.HOPE (4673) or Colorado Crisis Services at 844.493.8255.