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Early Childhood Partners Receives Critical Funding From Frechette Family Foundation

Early Childhood Partners (ECP), a community partner of Vail Health’s Eagle Valley Behavioral Health, supports young children and their caregivers by going directly into homes, schools, and childcare centers with nationally recognized evidence-based programs. ECP’s efforts focus on young children from birth to age 6, when brain development is peaking, behaviors are learned, and children are introduced to school. Parents and extended family members, child care providers, and the community form an ecosystem that supports early relational health in children and provides a foundation for their future physical, mental, and social well-being.

A recent three-year grant of nearly $1 million from the Frechette Family Foundation will enable ECP to expand support for Eagle County families and early learning environments so that every young child in our community can thrive. With ECP’s significant growth over the past six years, the gift will provide critically-needed funding for additional professional staff, family support programs, and operating expenses.

Thanks to the grant, ECP has the opportunity to launch new programs and expand its services in Eagle County. The funds will be allocated towards acquiring a child care quality improvement coach; the community-wide launch of Lena Grow, an innovative job-embedded professional development program for early childhood teachers; recruiting a licensed Early Childhood Mental Health Consultant to provide Child-Parent Psychotherapy and work in ECP’s child care programs and with families; and general operating funds for the sustainability and enhancement of ECP’s current programs and services.

To learn more about Early Childhood Partners, visit

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